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Pass It On

Then he went over to the collection boxes in the Temple and sat and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. some who were rich put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two pennies.

He called his disciples to him and remarked, "That poor widow has given more than all those rich men put together! For they gave a little of their extra fat, while she gave up her last penny." Mark 12:41-44 (TLB)

Diana Clark is from Rhode Island. Several years ago, while they were acclimating to a new church, a kind member began the habit of passing a copy of The Upper Room to their family. At the time, their children were in elementary and junior high school, and their lives seemed very full. They wondered how they would find the time each day to gather the family together to accomplish yet one more task. They began to set aside a few minutes each morning after breakfast before their day got too busy and their children headed off to school. Before long, they had gotten into a wonderful routine! Occasionally, something would be overlooked. It didn't take them long to make a connection that the days begun with devotionals went more smoothly than the ones without.

Decades later they are still beginning their days with The Upper Room at breakfast, and they have started the tradition of "passing on" the devotional to friends and family members just as their friend had done for them. Over the years, their lives have been enriched by the messages of spirit-filled Christians from all over the globe. It all began with a humble act of sharing Christ's love.

Prayer: Help us, Lord, to pass on to others the generous gifts of love you have given to us, in Jesus' name. Amen.


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