Grace & Peace
from Pastor Tracie
Every Sunday I say to the congregation, "it is the privilege of my life to be your pastor." I mean these words. I cherish these words. I knew at an early age I was called to be a pastor but I waited until I was in my 40's to follow the the Lord's call. I count each day as a gift to be in service to the Lord and in a community of faith, where we can learn together what it looks like to follow Jesus.
I am learning that Gulfport is a unique blend of all sorts of people which makes the work of the First UMC all the more beautiful. We each come with our own blend of talents and gifts and rough edges, which makes a faith community the perfect place to sort out how to live the teachings of Jesus, and this takes a lifetime of practice. I hope you will join us and take part in this wonderful group of people, where you will quickly find you are loved.
Grace & Peace,
Reverend Tracie Ashley